Common Indian Traditions that are surprisingly SCIENTIFIC! #1

Hello beautiful people! How are you all doing? Today I have come up with some of the Indian traditions which are thought to be superstitious but they are surprisingly scientific! I’ll be listing them down in two post. This is the first one and will come up with the second one quite soon. So, that’s with the intro. Let’s get into the post!

1️⃣ Why is it said that someone is missing us during hiccups?

Well, That’s basically a witty way of distracting one’s mind in thinking of who could the person be missing him.😆As a result of which hiccups stop!

2️⃣ Why we hang lemon and chillies on doors and shops?

I’m very sure every Indian does that! To be protected from evil spirits? That’s what it is believed to do! To ward off evil spirits. But it is the great insect repellent and creates positive vibes. Smart, isn’t it?

3️⃣ Never sleep facing the north, or else you will get scary dreams! I’m sure you heard that. Why is it so?

As we know, Earth has North and South poles which can be compared with the North and South pole of a bar magnet. While sleeping towards North pole more blood will flow towards the brain due to the magnetic pull leading to disturbed sleep. Well, you may not get scary dreams, but it definitely affects your health! In India, sleeping while facing east is considered the best😴

4️⃣Why an Indian meal starts with spicy food and ends with a sweet?

When we eat spicy food, our body secretes digestive juices ensuring proper digestion. And sweets at the end not only give pleasant taste but also a feeling of satiety.😋

5️⃣ Eating curd + sugar makes the exam excellent! Haven’t you always heard of that from the elders?

Well there is a scientific reason for why it is advised to eat curd and sugar before any important exam. This mixture provides glucose and raises the energy level. Also, it has a cooling and soothing effect on our body and mind! Intelligent, Right?

6️⃣ Why Tilak is applied on spot between our eyebrows?

The spot between our eyebrows is Agni Chakra, which is the concentration of all human thoughts and memory. Tilak helps conserve the subtle energy and maintain focus!

7️⃣ Why brides and grooms apply mehndi before the wedding?

Mehndi produces and leaves a cooling effect and reduces stress of busy wedding rituals! Cool.

8️⃣Why we are asked to walk inside Temples/Mosques/Guruduras barefoot?

These are the places with high positive energy and walking barefoot helps in easy absorption of these positive radiations through feet!

So, that’s for today! Meet you all in my next post.

Published by Aayushi

Just a girl growing wings!!💫

15 thoughts on “Common Indian Traditions that are surprisingly SCIENTIFIC! #1

      1. That’s a really nice place! Hope to visit there someday.
        That’s so pleasing to hear!❤❤
        My pleasure I should say😅 and yess, do plan a visit to India soon! We will be glad to have you😁💕

      2. Thank you, everyone is friendly in Toronto and we love people from everywhere…I have some pictures in a blog post called “Ordinary Life” 😊😊

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